Bankruptcy Ins & Outs | Common Questions Answered

Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Written by Orson Woodall | 7/26/17 1:47 AM

 Generally, we're able to cut your cash outlay by 50% or better.

People are curious about what a typical Chapter 13 plan looks like. In your typical situation with a household with two incomes, a husband and wife may have a couple of cars financed and they may have a furniture bill. They've got credit cards and medical bills. Let's say they have $10,000 in credit cards and medical bills, they owe $4,000 in one automobile and about $6,000 in the other automobile.

We can normally file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, do a 60 month plan of reorganization and have a payment of approximately $220 to $225 a month. It tremendously reduces their cash outlay on a monthly basis. Generally, we're able to cut your cash outlay by 50% or better. So give us a call, tell us what you owe, and we'll tell you what we can get your payments down to. Chapter 13 is wonderful in that respect.